Monday, March 24, 2008

Rotting Rubbish!

I've got a perfect family, fantastic friends, a really pampered life (which shows on the scales lol). Compared to what i could have gotten, i reckon im pretty darn lucky. Not more i could ask for. But once in a while, annoying creatures piss all ova my gay gay mood. Gosh jan, im actually frustrated with that whole thing! Arghhh!! ok im jus talkin rubbish. lol. im jus irritated. anywayz, i was supposed to get my phone line today, but the bloody phone company's coming on friday instead, and they put me on hold for almost an hr! so basically the call cost a month's phone bill. Gosh i swear, Australia is bloody useless. Its a good thing singapore is so tiny, everything is so convinient. Damn. Or maybe it jus feels that way cos my parents do everything for me. lol. anywayz, so i cant call u till friday :( i miss u and chitz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but mummy's here. so its been pretty good. had thosai for breakkie! :D ok this is so random. am bored.update soon.miss u.bye bye


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